Tasavallan Presidentti – Live at Ruisrock 1971

kr. 269,00

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15. marts 2024

Track Listing:
1. Better Move On [aka The Bargain] (23:56)
2. Feel My Way Through [aka Ramblin’] / Impressions of India (17:41)
3. King Kong / Celebration of the Saved Nine (20:51)
4. Better Move On [aka The Bargain] (19:18)

Tasavallan Presidentti’s annual performances at Ruisrock in Turku, Finland during the festival’s early years were proof of the band’s rapid ascent from a local band to an internationally renowned group of top musicians. “Pressa” left a lasting mark on many a festivalgoer, and the most optimistic ones were hoping to get these performances on a live album, if recordings existed. They do exist, and what remains on tape of the first ever Ruisrock performance was released on Changing Times and Movements (Svart Records), and the show at Ruisrock 1971 is now coming out on this album.


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